Google Cloud has just unveiled its partnership with Sirplay LTD for the development of its new Live Betting – in exclusive preview at the upcoming ICE Totally Gaming tradeshow – in a detailed case study.
Indeed, Sirplay LTD decided to make a safe bet on Google Cloud Platform switching from its on-premises server for a more trustworthy structure, in order to improve its services, push ahead the competition and cater larger customers, with higher user volumes. This decision was taken because of the fast-changing of the online gaming market, that only in the last ten years have seen an increase of $35 billion thanks to the constant growing of players number.
Sirplay on-premises servers didn’t fit the trend of this fast-expanding market, limiting the potential growth and compromising the performance of the application. Google Cloud Platform lets Sirplay sports betting software be more responsive besides providing a cutting-edge technology.
With Google partnership, the gaming solutions experts have been able to quadruple the number of users that an average online gaming platform can host and to multiply by 20 the average transactions per second, making it the most performative gaming platform on market.
With Sirplay previous on-premises servers, the reserve capacity wasn’t always enough to maintain all the services effectively, for this reason, the corporate has decided to rely on Google Cloud Platform, accompanied in this path by Google Cloud specialists.
The switch to Google Cloud Platform helped the gaming solutions expert in accelerating development, thanks to detailed error reports, automatic analysis and on-point monitoring; gaining access to a tier of larger clients.
Online gaming is a complex industry, and our core values of trustworthiness and a global outlook need to be backed by the best technology available.
One of the reasons we chose Google Cloud Platform is the opportunity to manage big data with products such as Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Google BigQuery, and Google Cloud Bigtable. There are no limits on what we store and analyse. We are investing for a future of machine learning, to help us better understand the needs of our customers
Aside from few impediments, the gaming corporate has been working on the second version of its sports betting platform since three years. Finally, it managed to ensure the conditions to develop a cutting-edge platform looking to the future.
Google partnership has been a further recognition of our career path that goes beyond any physical rewarding.
This achievement was possible thanks to Sirplay dedicated team formed by Stefano Cavallaro, Chief System Administrator, Antonio Galasso, Chief Technical Officer, Natale Russo, Business Development, Pasquale Cicirelli, Senior Developer, Giacomo Medaglia, Senior Developer.
Sirplay LTD is ready to release the first fruits of this partnership and development in the near future. For a preview of the Company work, meet Sirplay Team at ICE Totally Gaming, stand #S3-130.